ABOUT: Ayurvedic immunization for children from 6months to 12yrs.
Benefits :
Boosts immunity.
Keeps seasonal illness & allergies at bay.
Improves sleep.
Eases Teething.
Creates harmony in Body Mind and Spirit. Strengthens digestive system & gut microbiome.
Enhances memory, grasping power & intellect.
Helps with bed wetting.
More children more pleasant & well mannered.
Complete Ingredients:-
English Ingredients : Indigenous Cow Ghee, Saffron, Indian Coostus Root, Rock Salt, Long Pepper, Indian Sarsaparilla, Yellow Mustard, Indian Pennyworth, Sweet Flag, Purified Gold, Honey, Country Mallow.
Hindi Ingredients: Desi gau ghrita, Kumkuma, Kustha, Saindhav, Pippali, Sariva, Peet sarso, Ashtamangal, ghrita Bramhi, Vacha, Panchamrutika, sodhit ,Swarna, yoga Madhu, Bala, ghrita bala.
How to use:- Dip bottle in hot water to melt ingredinets & give a good mix. Swarna Prashan has to be given only on Pushya Nakshtra as per date chart included. Dosage as per age is also given in the chart.
Importance of “Suvarnprashan Sanskar” Ayurvedic Immunization on Pushya Nakshatra Day.
Pushya Nakshatra has an ability to nourish in all the areas of life, including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and materialistic areas of life. And due to the ability to nourish Pushya Nakshatra is associated with abundance, growth, opulence, and best in every aspect. The abundance for Pushya also brings in and promotes fame and popularity.
How to take?
- It has to be done empty stomach and preferably 1st thing in the morning.
2. Do not have food at least for 30 minutes after consumption of Suvarnaprashan. - Child is made to sit facing the Sun direction & Sanskrit Shalok is chanted/ payed in background.
Also note:-
You can also give suvarnprashan on other dates in case you miss the date.
Dipping the bottle in hot water helps even out the consistency of suvarnprashan.
Wash & store dropper along with bottle in a dry place no need for refrigeration
Our Suvarnprashan is a time tested & scientifically studied GMP certified formulation that has been put together by renowned Dr. Ayurvedachrya - Hitesh Jani ji who has been ex principle Gujarat Ayurved University. While it has seen to have many side benefits, it has no side effects at all.
Shelf Life:- 36 Months